Thursday, August 21, 2014

The best Salteñas

The Salteñas are one of the most famous traditional plates fro Bolivians. The Salteñas are a very good plate that you have to eat in Bolivia, because it have a special taste that you enjoy. There are two specific places that you can eat the best Salteñas. One of this places is Salteñas Paceña, this restaurant have very good Salteñas. The second olace where you can find delicious Salteñas is Salteñas Castores, they have delicous salteñas that you have to prove.
The Salteñas from Paceñas are really good. The Salteñas of chicken have a very good taste, the chicken have a delicous texture and at the same time was tender. The mass was really good, I enjoy the taste of the mass. The Salteña of meat is another type of Saktenña that Bolivians eat, this is a good type if Salteña because the meat have a very special taste and the meat was tender. The augado of the meat was so delicous that I enjoy it. The price of this plate is  5,50bs. You can find this place in San Miguel, and in Arce.

The Salteñas from Castores are really good. The salteña of chicken is not so good like in Paceña but it have a good taste and the chicken is delicious. The mass of Castores are very good and is better than the mass from Paceña. The salteñas of meat from Castores are very good and special because it have a good taste and the meat is so tender and delicious. The augado of this salteña is so good and special that i love it. The price in this place of the Salteñas are 7 or 8bs. 

In conclusion these two places are the better restaurants where you can find the best Salteñas of La Paz. But if you want salteñas of meat you have to go to Castores, and if you want salteñas of chicken you have to go to Paceña. If you love hot Salteñas you have to go to Castores. 

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