Thursday, August 21, 2014

The best chicharron

For me one of the best plates that Bolivia have is the chicharron. This is a plate of the pork meat. This is a traditional food in Bolivia. There are two places where you can find the best chicharron. On of these places is "Coroico In", and the other place is in "El Alto". 
The chicharron from Coroico In have a delicious taste, and the pork meat is so tender that I enjoy this plate. But the chuño was destroyed because it was to much time in the water. In this place the chicharron have a cost of 80bs. You can find this restaurant in Miraflores or in San Miguel.
The chicharron in El Alto was so delicious that I enjoy it more than in Coroico In. I choose the chicharron from El Alto the best place to eat chicharron in La Paz because the meat was tender, the chuño was perfect and the motes where perfect and delicious. This chicharron have a cost of 50bs. The location is the only problem because is El Alto, but the objective is to eat a good chicharron.

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