Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Introduction to the traditional food

Bolivia is a country where  you can find a lot of traditional food. Bolivia is a country that has awesome and delicious food that represents an important element in  Bolivian Culture. There are many cities that have a lot of restaurants, where you can eat and enjoy different plates of traditional food from Bolivia, which are cooked in different ways that depends of the chef of the restaurant and the area of the city that they come from. But you also can find traditional food in places like Hernando Siles Stadium, you find Anticuchos or in the Park of Cholas, you find Sandwich of Chola. This are 2 examples of traditional foods of Bolivia.

In this blog I would talk about the best plate that the Bolivians eat. For choose what plate is the best that you can eat I would evaluated 3 characteristics. The firts characteristic is the price, the second element is the location, and finally which plate have the best taste in general. The traditional food is one of the most important characteristics that Bolivian people have in our culture, because there are many countries that does not have tradional plates in their culture, and that is why the traditional food in Bolivia is a very important element in our culture.

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